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Forecasting and Budgeting Techniques

30 May
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As more data becomes available to businesses, savvy leaders are using this key information to learn from past performance and improve for the future. To help these efforts, many financial professionals are expanding their responsibilities to include more analytics and reporting, specifically in financial accounting, budget forecasts, and strategic planning.

Business analysts use forecasting and budgeting techniques to anticipate future costs and revenues, allocate resources effectively, set performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to increase revenue. Forecasting uses historical data to predict future outcomes, while the budgeting process focuses on allocating financial resources according to anticipated needs. Together, these practices provide a framework for businesses to manage financial risk, optimize operations, and pursue strategic goals effectively.1

This article will explore budgeting and forecasting techniques for financial planning and analysis.

Importance of Accurate Financial Planning

Businesses rely on financial planning to drive long-term success and sustainability by taking advantage of opportunities and managing risks. Analysts use budgeting and forecasting software to inform their planning and develop plans for the future. Accurate planning helps organizations predict future revenue streams and manage expenses so they can remain profitable and competitive in the market.2

A major component of financial planning is resource allocation to support the company’s strategic objectives. Businesses can prioritize investments in high-impact areas, such as new product development, marketing strategies, or capital improvements, while cutting costs on less productive activities.2

Accurate financial planning is also essential for effective risk management. By identifying potential financial risks and incorporating them into the planning process, companies can devise strategies to mitigate these risks before they manifest. They may set aside contingency funds, diversify income streams or implement strict financial controls.3

Financial Forecasting Techniques

Forecasting techniques use historical data to predict future trends. Business leaders use this information to make informed decisions.4 Analysts use different types of financial forecast techniques, including:

Time Series Analysis

This technique focuses on analyzing data points collected or recorded at specific time intervals. It helps identify underlying patterns such as seasonal variations, cycles, and trends in data over time. Analysts often use it for financial forecasting, inventory management, and demand forecasting.5

Regression Analysis

This is a statistical tool used to identify the relationships between dependent and independent variables. Regression analysis can forecast a dependent variable, such as sales, based on the values of one or more independent variables, such as marketing spend or economic conditions.6

Scenario Planning

This forecasting method involves constructing different plausible futures to see how changes in external conditions might affect outcomes. It helps business leaders understand a range of potential future scenarios. Businesses use scenario planning as a risk management strategy to respond flexibly and resiliently to unexpected changes in the environment.7

Budgeting in Finance

Business leaders use data analytics in the budget forecasting process to manage finances effectively and meet financial goals. Some of the most common budgeting methods include the following:

Incremental Budgeting

In this simple and stable budgeting method, the current budget is based on the previous year's figures with incremental adjustments made for the new budgeting period. This approach assumes that past patterns will continue with only minor modifications for anticipated changes in revenue, cash flow, and expenses.8

Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)

Instead of starting with actual results from past budgets, in zero-based budgeting, each budget period starts from zero, and every expense must be justified as if the activities were being launched for the first time. This method encourages departments to evaluate their needs and spending critically so resources are allocated to high-priority and high-return activities.8

Activity-Based Budgeting

With this method, leaders identify and analyze various business activities and allocate funds accordingly. This technique is driven by the output or outcomes expected from each activity. It improves cost management and operational efficiency by understanding how resources are consumed by different activities.8

Data Sources and Analysis

Business analysts need high-quality data sources for effective financial planning and decision-making. They draw on data such as:

Historical Financial Data

This data includes past sales, expenses, cash flows, and capital expenditures. Analyzing this information helps businesses identify patterns, understand growth rates and evaluate financial health over time. Historical data is used for trend analysis, forecasting, and setting realistic benchmarks for future revenues and performance.9

Market Trends and Forecasts

Leaders need to understand all conditions that could affect a business' performance. This includes data on industry growth rates, competitor performance, consumer behavior changes, and economic forecasts.10

Internal and External Factors

Internally, factors such as organizational strategy changes, operational adjustments, and shifts in workforce dynamics can affect budget goals and financial forecasts. Externally, economic conditions, regulatory changes, technological advancements, and market competition can cause businesses to adjust their financial plans.11

Tools and Technologies

To improve the accuracy, efficiency, and strategic insight of their plans, financial analysts use various tools, including:

Spreadsheet Software

Software such as Microsoft Excel is a fundamental tool in financial management. Excel handles data entry, complex calculations, statistical analysis, and graphical presentations. It’s accessible and has powerful features for creating detailed financial forecasts, budgets, and variance analyses through functions, pivot tables, and conditional formatting.12

Financial Modeling Software

This advanced software provides more specialized and advanced tools specifically designed for financial projection and valuation. It typically includes features for more sophisticated economic and financial simulations, scenario analysis, and risk assessment.12

Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms

BI platforms integrate data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s financial health and operational performance. Platforms like Tableau and Power BI help businesses turn raw data into actionable insights through interactive dashboards, real-time data visualizations, and automated reporting tools.

Become a Leading Business Analyst

Financial skills and tools like those mentioned above can’t be learned overnight. But in as little as one year, you can learn what you need to help your company increase revenue and manage risks with the Online MS in Finance and Analytics program from the Leavey School of Business. With key skills and insights from the multitude of financial leaders who teach and take our classes, you'll be able to have a significant impact on your company's financial future.

Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, SCU Leavey is uniquely positioned to help you find success in today’s analytics-driven finance landscape. The Online MSFA curriculum is taught by experts in the field who are there to support you at every step. SCU Leavey School of Business is also nationally recognized for its strong faculty of experienced professionals, its powerful Bronco network, and its outstanding career outcomes and academics.

Make an appointment with an admissions outreach advisor today to learn more.

  1. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/cch-tagetik/glossary/budgeting-and-forecasting#:~:text=Budgeting%20and%20forecasting%20are%20a,and%20revenue%20they'll%20earn.
  2. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from iqxbusiness.com/iqx-blog/7-success-factors-for-financial-planning-and-budgeting-in-project-forecasting/
  3. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from cubesoftware.com/blog/risk-management
  4. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from investopedia.com/terms/f/forecasting.asp
  5. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from tableau.com/learn/articles/time-series-analysis#:~:text=Time%20series%20analysis%20is%20a,data%20points%20intermittently%20or%20randomly.
  6. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from qualtrics.com/experience-management/research/regression-analysis/
  7. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from netsuite.com/portal/resource/articles/financial-management/scenario-planning.shtml
  8. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from squareup.com/us/en/the-bottom-line/managing-your-finances/business-budgeting-methods
  9. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from linkedin.com/advice/3/what-historical-data-can-you-use-create-accurate-2zewe#:~:text=Using%20historical%20data%20for%20your%20financial%20forecasts%20can%20bring%20many,and%20boosting%20performance%20and%20growth.
  10. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from prowess.org.uk/how-to-incorporate-market-trends-into-your-financial-forecasts/#google_vignette
  11. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from linkedin.com/pulse/factors-assumptions-consider-when-creating-sales-forecast-sanjeev/
  12. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from linkedin.com/pulse/whats-better-spreadsheets-financial-planning-software-pigment/
  13. Retrieved on April 19, 2024, from gartner.com/reviews/market/analytics-business-intelligence-platforms